After 5 years of pain and no real solutions, I finally found a doctor who knew how to help me.
Submit Your TestimonialAfter 5 years of pain and no real solutions, I finally found a doctor who knew how to help me. Dr. Hergan was the third doctor that I saw for this condition. The first two had suggested cortisone injections, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory drugs. All of which I did with only temporary relief at best. I was even told by other doctors that there was nothing more that could be done for me and that I would need a hip replacement at some point in my lifetime.
By the time I found Dr. Hergan I was at a point where I could not get any physical exercise that involved moving from the hips down. I was unable to even walk up a staircase without having to literally pull myself up each step. I would go to sleep at night with throbbing pain in my hip from normal daily activity. If I attempted to exercise at all, it was even worse. I had been taking anti-inflammatories, DAILY, for 5 years with no degree of relief from the pain. The anti-inflammatories would take enough of the edge off to allow me to fall asleep, but I would wake up in pain a few hours later. Just getting into bed was painful. I would have to pull my right leg up onto the bed, because that movement caused stabbing pain that ran down my thigh.
After meeting with Dr. Hergan, he indicated I most likely had Femoroacetabular Impingement, or FAI. He then told me that there is a minimally-invasive, arthroscopic surgical procedure that could help me. Nobody else had given me even a glimmer of hope for relief in 5 years….!!!
Immediately after surgery I had some pain, but really not that much. I only took a couple of my pain meds and was able to find relief using the cold compression machine he prescribed for me. I began my physical therapy right away. Physical therapy was a lot of work, but was so helpful to my recovery.
The positive changes that this surgery has brought to my life are immeasurable. The most significant change was realized only 3½ months post-op. My family and I went on a 5 day ski trip and I was up on skis taking on advanced expert slopes with them for the first time in 5 years. And….PAIN FREE.
I am able to exercise again and have lost 15 pounds. I can walk for more than a block without having my hip start to catch, click and pop. I can climb a staircase without having to grasp the handrail and pull myself up one stair at a time. I can go to an amusement park with my husband and 11 year old son and actually walk around all day without pain. I can go on bike rides with them. I can walk on the beach. I can play tennis again. My family has me back. I can sleep without waking in pain. I feel healthier now than I have in quite some time. NONE of this would have been possible without this surgery.
I am so thankful that I found Dr. Hergan. I only wish I had found him 5 years earlier.